Cudas, Family, Friends…..

The 2023 Atholton Swim Club Swim Team is fundraising to replace 20 year old diving blocks.  An ambitious goal for a mighty team.

We are squeezing out one more season with our current blocks.  These blocks are outdated, do not have a backstroke bar and are secured by a single bolt.  Our kids deserve better.

Our goal is to fund the purchase of 4 new Varsity Deluxe Starting Blocks.  We selected this block, after diligent research, because it is significantly safer for our kids with its two-pole mounting, a step/bar in back for kids to grab for stability, and the sanded tread footboard to prevent slips. 

The cost to purchase and install 4 blocks is substantial.  We estimate around $14,000 and we are about halfway there through grants and savings.  We are investing in blocks that will withstand sun, water and harsh chemicals and expect our littlest of littles will jump from them their senior years of high school.  These are the lowest-priced certified diving blocks we could find.

Can you donate $100?  $150?  $200?  This is the easiest, most direct, way to help us reach our goal, with your full contribution going straight to the cause.  And if you can share this donation page with grandparents, other family, or friends who might help, it would accelerate us towards reaching our goal.

Our community has a long and storied history.  We are grateful for the support of our past and current Cuda families and friends.  Please help us as we continue to create memories and build traditions for our kids. 


Please allow 24 hours for the meter to rise!

Thank you to our Donors!

The Ward Family

Britney Sutton

Mark Weaver

The Stoner Family

Emily O’Neil

Bailey Family